Outdoor lighting is key in guaranteeing the safety of your facility. Not only does a well-lit outdoor area ensure that employees and guests are able to come and go during the night hours without concern, it also acts as a deterrent to would-be thieves and criminals. It’s hard to sneak into a building if that building offers no shadows in which to vanish — dark areas are perfect places for break-ins and other criminal activities.
The problem with outdoor lighting, of course, is that it represents and enormous energy cost. Running outdoor lights all night, every night can quickly raise your electric bill into the stratosphere. And performing maintenance on lights every few months certainly comes with costs of its own. That’s why outdoor LED lighting has become such an in-demand alternative for organizations that still want beautiful outdoor lights but also want more efficiency and lower energy costs.
The LED Difference
LED lighting solutions have been shown to provide higher quality light with a dramatic reduction in energy burned. While traditional lights burn into heat a great deal of the energy they pull, LEDs use almost all of the energy they pull for light generation. LEDs also have a longer lifespan than traditional lights and can be installed in much more interesting ways due to not being so reliant on decades-old fixture shapes and designs.
Replacing your existing outdoor lights with outdoor LED lighting will result in a dramatic reduction in energy used, lower maintenance costs (LEDs last longer than traditional lighting solutions), and more control over how you light the area. The light created is also purer and cleaner; say goodbye to harsh yellow tones fired off by aging lighting systems. You’ll find outdoor LED lighting solutions to fit all purposes, from lighting a small garden to keeping a loading dock secure.
There are two big benefits to LED lighting in general: It’s more efficient and flexible. Outdoor LED lighting solutions are no different in this regard from their indoor counterparts. For more information about LED lighting solutions please visit www.getdeco.com or contact us at 800.613.DECO.