What is the True Cost of LED Lighting?

hid to led

When deciding to make the switch from traditional lighting, such fluorescent or high intensity discharge (HID) lighting, to the more efficient and longer-lasting LED lighting, cost is often a primary concern. Customers see a higher entry price for LED lighting compared to traditional methods and either put off upgrades or invest in a cheaper, more short-lived system that will need upgrading again in the near future; and cost is a practical concern for any buyer considering upgrading his or her lighting system. However, LED lighting offers several cost-effective benefits and can save you a great deal of money in the long run.

Cost Concerns
It’s true that most LED lighting solutions cost more upfront than their traditional counterparts. However, when compared directly to traditional lighting methods over time, LED lighting lasts longer and is more energy efficient, saving the buyer money on electricity and maintenance costs. Moreover, LED retrofits have been shown to reduce energy use by over 80% while still maintaining an attractive level of light. How much money would you save if you could reduce your energy expenditures by half every month for the foreseeable future? The savings generated over time by LED lighting far outweigh the upfront savings of traditional lighting options.

Versatile Installs and Retrofits
Additionally, LED lighting is far more adaptable than its traditional counterparts. LEDs can be installed in a wide range of styles that enable you to customize the look of your space without having to renovate, and with Deco Lighting, you do not even have to replace any fixtures. Deco’s unique, patented LED board allows us to custom retrofit any existing lighting fixture to LED. Because fluorescent and HID lamps are so rigid in the way they need to be installed, your options for moving or adjusting them are limited. Thus, an LED lighting solution can also save you money by giving you more flexibility in your lighting design.

Ultimately, the energy efficiency, versatility, and longevity of LED lighting deliver far more capability per dollar than traditional lighting options. For more information or questions about how LEDs can be implemented into your business or workspace, please contact us at (800) 613.DECO or visit www.GetDeco.com.

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